Attention everyone! I am excited to announce that Tinyjoypad now has its own graphics driver specifically designed to work with the SSD1306 I2C OLED display. I have dedicated a lot of time and effort to developing this driver to ensure that it achieves optimal performance and aligns perfectly with the Tinyjoypad Rev2 concept. The main advantage of this specially designed version is its ability to deliver performance that is up to twice as fast as other existing OLED libraries, and it is now integrated into the games. I encourage you to share this information so that others can benefit from this remarkable platform and its impressive new capabilities.

Tiny Doc attiny85

Tiny SQuest attiny85

first release 3 SEPT 2023

Tiny Pipe attiny85

first release 9 mai 2021

Tiny Morpion attiny85

first release 21 mai 2020

Tiny Missile attiny85

first release 11 Avr 2020

Tiny DDug attiny85

first release 7 mar 2020

Tiny Plaque attiny85

first release 29 jan 2020

Tiny Tris attiny85

first release 31 Dec 2019

Tiny Trick attiny85

first release 30 juil. 2019

Tiny Bike  attiny85

first release 7 juil. 2019

Tiny Bert attiny85

first release 27 févr. 2019

Tiny Bomber attiny85

first release 28 mai 2018

Tiny Arkanoid attiny85

first release 2 mai 2018

Tiny Pacman attiny85

first release 29 mars 2018

Tiny Invaders attiny85

first release 9 mars 2018

     Tiny Pinball attiny85

first release 23 févr. 2018

Tiny Gilbert attiny85

first release 23 mai 2017

TESTMODE attiny85

Other project no compatible with tinyjoypad

Simon rev 1.2  attiny85

VU Meter attiny85

Tinyscope attiny85